News Tag: News

Lipidor submits new patent application and expands collaboration with Cannassure using Lipidor’s AKVANO[®] technology for medicinal cannabis products

Stockholm, Sweden, 29 October 2021 – Lipidor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) today announced that the collaboration agreement with Cannassure Therapeutics has expanded to include a new patent family covering new innovative AKVANO[®] topical compositions. Lipidor submitted the new patent application to the European Patent Office on 25 October 2021. Earlier this […]

Warrant holders exercise all warrants in Lipidor’s incentive program 2018/2021

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 19 October 2021 – Lipidor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) announces today that the Company’s LTI 2018/2021, which was addressed to CEO Ola Holmlund and Senior Scientist Vibhu Rinwa and which includes 580,000 warrants, with an exercise period during the period 1 – 30 October 2021, has been terminated and […]

Optionsinnehavare i Lipidor utnyttjar samtliga teckningsoptioner i incitamentsprogrammet 2018/2021

Stockholm den 19 oktober 2021 – Lipidor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) meddelar idag att bolagets teckningsoptionsprogram (”LTI 2018/2021”) som riktades till vd Ola Holmlund samt senior scientist Vibhu Rinwa och som omfattar 580 000 teckningsoptioner, med utnyttjandeperiod under perioden 1 – 30 oktober 2021, har avslutats och att samtliga teckningsoptioner utnyttjats. […]

Lipidor publishes interim report for H1 2021

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 24[th] August 2021: Today, Lipidor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) publishes its interim report for the period January – June 2021. The quarterly report is available on the company's website (click here ( and in the attached pdf (in Swedish). Summary of the interim report – second quarter 2021 Lipidor has had […]

Lipidor publicerar delårsrapport för H1 2021

STOCKHOLM, den 24 augusti 2021: Idag publicerar Lipidor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) sin delårsrapport för perioden januari – juni 2021. Kvartalsrapporten finns att hämta på bolagets hemsida (klicka här ( samt i form av bifogad pdf. Sammanfattning av delårsrapporten – andra kvartalet 2021 Lipidor har haft ett intensivt första halvår med framgångar inom många […]

Sommarbrev från Lipidor

Stockholm den 6 juli 2021 – Lipidors Vd Ola Holmlund kommenterar utvecklingen så här långt under året och det kommersiella licensavtalet med Menarini Groups dotterbolag RELIFE. Lipidor har haft ett intensivt första halvår med framgångar inom många områden. I början av året skrev vi licensavtal med Cannassure Therapeutics (topikala medicinska cannabisprodukter baserade på Lipidors AKVANO®-teknologi), […]

Summer letter from Lipidor

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 6 July 2021: CEO Ola Holmlund comments on the year’s progress so far and the recent commercial license agreement with the Menarini Group’s subsidiary RELIFE. The first half of this year has been an intensive period in several areas. In the beginning of the year, we signed a license agreement with Cannassure Therapeutics […]

Lipidor AB licence agreement grants Menarini Group company, RELIFE Srl, exclusive rights to register, promote, distribute and market two new psoriasis drug candidates for potential value of MEUR 70

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 30 June 2021: Lipidor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) announced today that it has signed a licence agreement under which Lipidor grants RELIFE S.r.l., part of leading international pharmaceutical company, Menarini Group, exclusive rights to register, promote, distribute, and market drug candidates for the treatment of psoriasis in EU, Turkey, […]
